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Teaching Others to Help

Teaching Others to Help

Innisfail, Queensland, Australia
Frog Safe, Inc. (the frog hospital)




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Teaching Others to Help

Teaching Others to Help

Innisfail, Queensland, Australia
Frog Safe, Inc. (the frog hospital)






Did you know that there are not enough experienced people around Australia who can recover the increasing number of sick frogs being found around the country?  Biodiversity in Australia is struggling and frogs are losing ground faster than many other…

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Posted 20th June 2024

Thanks to all who donated to this campaign!  As it only raised a small amount, we will close this one out.  We have so many other expenses that need to be paid for that the $54 you donated will still be put to very good use.   Thanks again and have a great day.

Posted 13th September 2023

The first of our rehab training courses will be run on Oct 10th to 12th.  We have a lady traveling up from southern NSW to take it.  It would be great if we raised at least $150 to cover her course fee since she has all those other travel costs to pay for!

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