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Nature's Green Jewels

Nature's Green Jewels

Innisfail, QLD, Australia
Frog Safe, Inc. (the frog hospital)




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Nature's Green Jewels

Nature's Green Jewels

Innisfail, QLD, Australia
Frog Safe, Inc. (the frog hospital)






Greetings from Frog Safe, close to the breathtaking landscapes and beaches of regional far north Queensland! Since our inception in August 1998, we have been dedicated to the noble Australian frog.  Small but so very important for the environment, we…

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Posted 4th July 2024

Our heartfelt thanks to everyone who has made a donation to this campaign.  We're glad that people still want to share their warmth and resources so that groups like ours can continue to pay those pesky bills (just can't avoid them)!  We will close out this campaign now and will work on a future need so stay tuned! Have a great week. Cheers!

Posted 30th November 2023

Thanks to everyone who has donated so far!!  We understand things are tough for so many people but we're grateful that there are still those who have something to share and have thought of us.  Happy, peaceful and safe holidays to everyone!

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